The other looked at his phone
Thinking he had missed his chance
Two days ago the second call had come in
And that evening with a good friend he had
Chosen to stay in
Then decided to go out
So while in the shower
His phone had rang
And after he had come out
His friend had answered
And said there was no reply on the other line
At the time he had not seen the issue
Left it alone
“Probably a wrong number.”
He had said at the time
But the morning after he checked
And saw that it was the number
From the first time
That he had forgotten to check
He had asked another friend who might know
If she knew the number
And she had confirmed it was
Who he had thought it was
This mutual friend had passed on
the digits to his regret
And … Continue reading
Author: G.C.
100 Day Story: Day 5
It was late night
She was lying in bed
With her future other half
Thinking about their last fight
It had been her doing
She had been aggravated last night
While reconsidering how unjust life
Seems to be
She had hung up the phone yesterday evening
Without speaking
Tonight she had calmed a little
She had perspective now
To call the other there was no reason
And why was she so against
Her current situation
Even if it seemed
That their desire for now
Was uneven
A lot could happen in a few evenings
All it would take was effort
And the will to believe in
Happy endings
Take effort not pretending
And just as that thought was ending
Her future turned around and smiled
“I couldn’t have been more blessed
I know that you’ve been stressed
And I know I was neglectful
Not showing you me at my … Continue reading
Satirical Rhetoric
Excerpt from “The World and How I See It” pg. 26
February 01/2011
Something seems fishy to me
These black people and their once a year history
So if you ask me if I celebrate
I’ll answer sarcastically
Then be like
I celebrate me
I didn’t know that I was history
Do forgive me if I don’t believe their sincerity
Maybe you’ll look at me and try to educate me
Say if I don’t know where I’m coming from
I don’t know where I’m going see
This is where I know you misunderstood the rhetoric
And the following questions will come back with no answers
But I’ll ask them rhetorically
How can I celebrate a history that’s mired in absurdity
Celebrate that they made a slave of part of my ancestry
My genealogy
Is so mixed up I couldn’t tell you who it was or is
That … Continue reading
How to Read my Poetry – First Entry
When my poetry is read I’ve been told that it can get confusing. With that in mind and with a will and effort to make the poems more approachable I’ve decided to start an explanation of a few pieces that have already been written. The complexity of the poetry isn’t what should draw a potential reader at first and if read properly the word play and the true intricacy will only play a role for those who are willing to look at them a little deeper. Usually what stands out in all my poems is my complete lack of regard for punctuation and also in that vein, grammar. It’s not to say that grammar doesn’t play a role in my writing but the purposeful omission should be a clue as to how I write. With that in mind I’ve started out with two of the simpler poems where the meaning … Continue reading
100 Day Story: Day 4
She had finally given in
And dialed his number yesterday
Hoping the digits were the same
Hoping that he would remember her name
But there was no answer
She knew he was at work
But she figured he must be on break
One call she had told herself
That’s all it would take
She used it up
No answer
Thinking that maybe she had avoided
A mistake
But even a day later
When the sun was going down
And she found herself home alone
High-jinx could ensue
As she pressed the green button
And heard the tone
Calling once was a slippery slope
That made it easier to call again
Besides she had changed her number
And left no message
That’s not what you do
When you call a friend
If it was she might as well
Avoid him then
So the sudden surge of guilt
Was easily stepped … Continue reading