
Collaboration – A Noun Meaning to Work Together

This posting is for all the poets out there (if you have a friend that’s a poet then let them read this). My true goal is to work with as many of you as possible. I started this site and published the books for two reasons. The first reason is personal exposure and that is a long and arduous road which I will continue on as time permits and I will continue to evolve and improve. The second is somewhat as a resume for my fellow poets. It is impossible to judge the ability, dedication or the love another has for their craft without seeing it and for those who are poets who have read my poems I hope that I have earned your respect. As my true goal is to bring poetry to as big an audience as I can reach I also had to publish a couple volumes … Continue reading

100 Day Story: Day 09

Time didn’t matter
His pride wouldn’t heal
What he felt for her
Didn’t go past
Physical appeal
He said to his friends
Company as a drug
To mask how he feels
He had this old fling
On speed
Young thing
Who was willing
To tell him he was in denial
But she liked the chemistry
The ‘physic-
They shared
And he liked her honesty
She knew what she wanted
She made it very clear
That he wasn’t there
And the where that he was
She couldn’t care
Yet she let him know
That to the love of his life
It wasn’t fair
He hadn’t talked to her
In over a year
Because the truth
Was too hard to bear
To hear
Later tonight
The truth would be here
His mind forcibly caught up
In what she would wear
Time didn’t matter
His pride wouldn’t heal
He … Continue reading

100 Day Story: Day 08

He hadn’t called
They hadn’t spoke
He had been provoked
His phone was ringing
No answer
Was this a joke
She had believed him
Did he choke
Did he die
Was he out at sea
On a boat
Was he fishing
Should she send him a note
She talked to herself
And maybe she was
Expecting too much
Did she disrespect him
Too much
That could be why
But how he treated her
Was not like any other guy
She hadn’t touched her lunch
She had eaten
But she wasn’t sure
It had been two days
Since she had seen her food
And why
Had he been so rude
Or was he exercising
His right to be
“But that wasn’t right for me.”
She whispered to herself
Her co-worker
Had asked her
If she was alright
And she had answered
Not wanting to say
Anything else
Did she love … Continue reading

100 Day Story: Day 07

He should have…
He should have…
But the words wouldn’t come
In the deepest of nights
The Dark Knight wouldn’t run
And in this circumstance
There had been a little sun
Wouldn’t it have been nice
To have a little son
It wouldn’t be his daughter
They would ridicule him
Could he have been
Any softer
But she had depended on him
And he had seen
The fairy tale coming again
Coming to an end
To regret
A way to make amends
He had crossed a line
It dawned on him
He could no longer
Just be a friend
Her sword
Her shield
Her helping hands
“How could she?”
That be anymore selfish
He is human
And it had taken
All night to reach a resolution
The number was dialed
And all he had to press
Was send
How unfortunate
That was when
His … Continue reading

100 Day Story: Day 06

That wasn’t the way
She had expected him to react
She didn’t know if he had her back
But he’d always been
A man of his word
And he’d made a pact
But it was Wednesday
A work day
She had to think about getting to work
Rolling on her back
Knowing she had sealed the future
There was no going back
Back to her and him
Back to them
Back to when
Things were comfortable
In the future
There was hope for better
But last night
He had politely excused himself
Hadn’t let her explain
The circumstance
The situation
She glanced over at her husband
Was the feeling
Her stomach
Her mind was
Wondering if she should
Tell the man beside her
That his offspring
Was growing inside her
Inside her
Were many things
Among everything
The deadline was passed
There was no way
To have … Continue reading