
Book Review – The Prince

The Prince – Machiavelli

The Art of War is a Sun Tzu epic but when it comes to the politics of war there is none who put the thought process together than the late Machiavelli in, The Prince. Below is an excerpt from “The Prince and the Discourses” (Max Lerner) and it might provide a window into the somewhat blunt and brutal way the author idealized Politics. Most of us approach politicians with hate and distaste due to the multitude of lies and falsehoods they perpetuate. However, he made it his goal to define and simplify the process as black and white, good and evil.

There wasn’t too much condemnation towards evil as he was trying to maintain an unbiased approach. However, as he does outline certain events and certain colourful characters you can see that he does it out of the desire to bring clarity not the desire … Continue reading

Book Review – The 12th Planet

The 12th Planet – Zecharia Sitchin (Book 1: The Earth Chronicles)

The origins of man! Where did we come from? Is GOD nothing more than a name for “Alien who needed a work force”? No one has any definite solution for these anomalies. However, there are a ton of factual findings and evidence that separate scientists have found but not put together to form any solid theories or ideas. Imagine the Bible itself being among those pieces of evidence and a priceless archaeological find.

Sitchin takes all of these things into consideration in this his first book in “The Earth Chronicles” series. He not only gives you the raw data so you can take it and formulate your own timeliness – he also offers you his own sentiments as a platform to jump start your comprehension. The research was thorough, documentation was linear and there was no force from the … Continue reading