
Self Publishing Made Easy prt.1: Creating the Document

Self Publishing 1 [Click the link to download the sample document. There might be some minor differences.]
*This post was created on a PC using Firefox as of right now I do know there is a problem with the images on Safari which may or may not be worked out.

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I won’t be trying to turn you into a professional with this series but I will be able to give you a guide so that you can begin to help yourself. Self publishing, whether it be in print or electronic may seem like a daunting task but in fact it’s quite straight forward. Of course I’m expecting you to be able to produce your own quality content. The question or possible problem I’m going … Continue reading

Poetry Writing part 1: Poetic Devices

With everything in this world that has a body there is always the framework that makes it up. Poetry is no different and one of the things that make up poetry we term “poetic devices”. Poetic devices are similar to what short stories would call “literary devices” and in some ways have the same functions. With literary devices there is more room for them to develop in the longer storyline of a short story, whereas poetic devices may go unnoticed by a reader due to their subtlety. The strange thing is we use most in speech and writing naturally but sometimes it takes seeing them to comprehend their true impact. The following is a short list of those devices and the context in which I understand their definitions. There are many resources available with detailed lists but the idea isn’t to overwhelm with information but to give enough examples so … Continue reading

100 Day Story: Day 0

This is the epitome of all stories
Toy stories
Were made for people
Who love stories
Love stories
Always get caught in the mix
Some people aim for tens
And then find themselves
Waking up with a six
You know how the nursery rhyme goes
Something about the river Styx
With that life doesn’t seem worth living
Even if that’s only the gist
Describing those with fear
Of diving into the depths of the water
To find the pieces and bits

Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1Continue reading