
Modern Phylosophy

author: K.M. / December 27, 2004
minor edits have been made on the original to make for a more linear read

Right now I’m studying…Well, actually it’s only history. Still, it’s about those brilliant minds that were at the forefront of all modern historical changes (whether they be political or social). We have our Aristotles and Platos and all the other Greek philosophers and the Renaissance artistes who were considered brilliant and unparalleled. Then those who were alive during the Era of Romanticism and the German Sturm and Stress Period. Strange, they are remembered as geniuses and every other over embellishing adjective you can think of. All they did was speak of the plight and joys of their day and brought it forth in an artistic and entertaining manner. Now the leaders in our society today are overlooked as loud mouth monkeys whose words are senseless and incomprehensible.

Is it … Continue reading

I am Black

I find that when we try to be politically correct the reality of what is tends to be overshadowed by what we want it to be.  With that mindset I wrote this piece a few years ago without prejudice or intention to offend.  It’s simply an unshuttered view into the reality some of us do live in.  It’s sole intention is for a potential reader, regardless of their initial reaction, to take a chance and look deeper and ask “why”.  There is a lot more going on in the actual poem than first meets the eye.   The idea behind it or the topic it tries to touch on is that skin, race and other judgmental perspectives should not be used to qualify an individual.  I wrote it from the perspective I know and no matter your view point a mere changing of words so that they apply to your situation … Continue reading

Aristotle Paraphrasing

author: unknown
(I lost the original article I pulled the quote from)

IT WAS THE OPINION of Aristotle that the world had made three steps, as it were, to arrive at the perfection which it possessed in his time. At first, men were contented with life, seeking purely and simply only those things which were necessary and useful for its preservation. In the second stage, they united the agreeable with the necessary, and politeness with necessity. First they found food, and then the seasoning. In the beginning, they covered themselves against the severity of the weather, and afterward grace and beauty were added to their garments. In the early ages, houses were made simply to be used, and afterward they were made to be seen. In the third stage, men of intellect, seeing that the world was enjoying things that were necessary and pleasant in life, gave themselves up to … Continue reading

I am a Man

author: K.M. / November 29, 2005 [edited Jan 23/2012]

I am a man! This is a man’s world. As such, I am the ultimate and only power in the construction of our modern society. This statement is very much true. It would be more politically correct to say the statement is false which is the outlook those who see no more room for change will adamantly say is more acceptable. “How can it be true?” they might ask. It is clearly a chauvinistic and self possessed argument. Women’s rights have come so far. Women have made bold statements in the workforce and politically as well. Women are now equal partners in all things regarding the home. They  have grown out of obscurity to prominence but strangely still in the servitude of a man. The irony is astoundingly apparent and to many who speak on these issue, non existent.

That lack … Continue reading

Theory of a Hustler

author: K.M. / July 11, 2004 [edited January 19, 2012]

[Hustler is a broad term]

The funny thing about life is there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. The problem is some of us fall short before we get there. What adds to the joke is when we’re told we can achieve anything especially when what we want is empty and useless. Plus, it comes with fine print: Payment starts on the arrival of success.

So, now why should I bother? I bother because I have no choice but to be successful but what happens to those around me? What is the price for my success? No matter how good and noble it is there is a price. Let’s get philosophical. Maybe the price is for how you gain that success and not what the success is. Sounds obvious doesn’t it? But what if that was … Continue reading